Monday, 11 January 2016

About Me

My name is Catherine Stewart and I'm currently studying a BSc Degree in Environmental Sciences through Open University. I am based in Fife, Scotland. I will be running this blog with the aim of sharing an optimistic outlook on conservation and to hopefully encourage the next generation of field scientists.

I have grown up around animals on a farm and I have always wanted to work with animals initially as a vet, however gaining experience and knowledge about wildlife has led to me changing my mind and now my passion is wildlife conservation. One of the biggest experiences that helped to change my mind was that recently I have undertaken some work experience in a zoo, which is home to deer, bears, wolves, otters and lynx to name a few and it has to be one of the most enjoyable and exciting weeks that I have had for a long time.

In this blog I will be sharing experience related to both uni work and field work. Thank you very much for reading and I hope that you will enjoy following my ups and downs as I embark on my career. All views and opinions contained in this blog are my own and I apologize in advance if anything causes offence.

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