Monday, 28 March 2016

Wildlife in Britain

Britain is home to an amazing range of animals. Some of these species are native to the Britain however there is other species which have introduced by humans. These animals have devolved to be able to deal with the British climate which tends to be mild and damp. Some of the native animals would struggle to deal with living elsewhere in the world. Due to Britain being an island it seems to be able to maintain summers that wet and warm and the winter months also tend to be mild and rather wet. The lack of extreme weather provides an ideal footing for a range of different animals as it means that food is available pretty much all throughout the year.

The climate in Britain does give us an advantage however there is also some disadvantages. When extreme weather does occur it can cause problems, which can be serious as the ecosystem is not designed to cope with an extreme shifting of nature. The foreign species that are in Britain are able to do well and thrive. There is some foreign species that have started to take over from the native wildlife species and this forces them into the margins. There is new pests that have emerged and they have been able to spread out to areas that they were unable to reach previously.

The animals that have been found in Britain includes:

The red squirrel
The grass snake
The adder
The smooth snake
Red deer
The red fox
The common buzzard
The golden eagle
The Eurasian badger
Field mouse
Bean grouse
The common lizard
The sand lizard
 (This is only a few of the species that can be found in Britain.)

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Where Has Time Gone

I just thought I would do a quick post, as I have been looking at few blogs today. I can't believe it is almost two months since I last said hello and updated progress. The past few weeks have been very busy with studying and I can't believe it is only about ten weeks until my year 1 exams.